Please join renowned photographer Didier Ruef for an exciting one-day photography workshop. Ruef, who will be exhibiting photographs from his work Animals’ world at the Leica Gallery in Salzburg, will lead participants through a very exciting day of visual presentation, lecture, and discussion. Ruef will talk about the essence of the photo essay and give a visual presentation from his latest books Recycle, Afrique Noire, Bestiarium and Bauern am Berg. Time will be devoted to discuss the importance of editing pictures as well as camera technique in order to make spontaneous photographs in ordinary life situations. Didier Ruef has traveled worldwide and will share experiences and tips to participants on how to overcome shyness while photographing people. There will also be a portfolio review session for all participants.The aim of the workshop is to guide each photographer towards his own way of looking and help him to create a personal style. The workshop will begin at 9am and finish at 6pm on April 12th.
Ort: Leica Galerie Salzburg, Mirabellplatz 8, 5020 Salzburg
Datum: 12. April, 09.00 bis 18.00 Uhr
Teilnehmerzahl: Mind. 6, Max. 12
Preis: 350,00 Euro
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