This comprehensive workshop will heighten your understanding of black and white photography, both at the time of capture, and when editing. You will be shown how to coax the maximum tonality from any scene, from portraits with rich tonal depth through to high contrast street scenes. Alan Schaller’s black and white photography has found its way to the front covers of magazines, in leading newspapers, used for advertising by luxury brands, and has been exhibited and featured internationally. If you have a passion for black and white, in any genre of photography, this is your chance to learn how to set yours apart.
Day 1
Morning session 10am start
- Overview of the day with an introductory explanation of Alan’s approach to black and white photography.
- View of a selection of Alan’s black and white work (digital and prints) with commentary.
- Why black and white?
- Tone and texture.
- Shape and form.
- Getting the intended mood right at the time of capture. Pre-visualising the end result with a focus on street photography and portraiture.
Lunch – 12.30-1.30pm.
Afternoon session shooting
Shooting until 5pm. This session will be an opportunity to put into practice what was discussed in the morning. Alan will work with everyone individually over the course of the afternoon.
Day 2
Morning session 10am start
Continuation from the afternoon street shooting session of the first day.
Lunch 12.30-1.30
Afternoon post processing session
- Review of participant’s photographs (total of five images) taken from the day before, or a selection (five images) from pre existing work if preferred.
- Discussion about the importance of post processing and different ways to approach it. Alan will edit a few photographs with a laptop connected to a projector while explaining the process.
- Editing consistency.
- Group will spend time editing their images. Alan will work with everyone in turn on this.
- Advice on getting work with a black and white portfolio.
Ort: Leica Galerie Salzburg, Gaisbergstraße 12, 5020 Salzburg
Datum: 12.04.2019 – 13.04.2019
Sprache: Englisch
Freitag: 12. April: 10 bis 17 Uhr
Samstag: 13. April: 10 bis 17 Uhr
Min. 6 / Max. 12 Personen
Preis 480,00 Euro
Bitte bringen Sie für den Workshop mit:
- Kamera inklusive Objektiv
- Mobiler Rechner mit Adobe Photoshop CC oder Lightroom, wenn verfügbar
Eine Kamera aus unserem Sortiment kann nach Verfügbarkeit ausgeliehen werden. Bitte geben Sie uns zeitnah Bescheid.
Für Rückfragen oder Anmeldungen stehen wir gerne für Sie zur Verfügung.